Supplements for Boosting Testosterone

If you watch TV over a 24-hour period, you are bound to come across many infomercials and adverts that promise to make you look and feel younger, more confident, and turn you into a sex machine. All you have to do is buy some magic pills and supplements and watch as your testosterone levels hit the roof.

The truth is that most of these infomercials are plain hogwash. The supplements that they advertise won’t do a thing for your testosterone levels. The problem with most of us is that we are always seeking a shortcut to our goals. We live in a generation where you have to get what you want now, and if not now, then yesterday.

Did you know that in the United States alone, the pharmaceutical industry sells more than $37 billion worth of supplements? Why struggle to live the proper lifestyle and eat the right foods to boost your testosterone when there’s an easier way out?

In this chapter, we want to dive into the world of testosterone-boosting supplements. Not just any kind of supplements, though. Our main focus is on natural testosterone boosters, not the injections or steroids that the majority of men love to take.


Debunking the Supplements Myth

If it is true that the supplements being advertised on late—night TV, being sold on Amazon, or down at your local GNC don’t boost testosterone, then why do many men claim that they work?

The answer is simple: Sex. Most men draw a direct correlation between increased testosterone levels and increased sex drive. What these clever marketers have done is package libido enhancers in bottles that claim to boost your testosterone. Male customers flock stores to buy these supplements, go home, and enjoy great sex. They automatically assume that since their sex drive has skyrocketed, their testosterone levels must have as well. Not true!

The truth is that in most cases, their testosterone levels are still the same. What you need to understand is that high testosterone translates to higher sexual drive, but high sex drive does not translate to higher testosterone levels. This is what the marketers know and most men don’t.

If you want to boost your sex drive, then these supplements will work. Their  impact on testosterone is quite minimal, so don’t think that your testosterone levels have gone up.

There are a few of these supplements that actually do boost your testosterone, but they don’t increase it to the levels that they claim. They won’t help you build muscle, lose fat, or give you any of the several benefits of higher testosterone levels.

How Real Supplements Work

What you should expect from the supplements recommended in this article is the provision of the required raw materials necessary for manufacturing optimal testosterone levels. The key word here is optimal. In other words, the boost that you get will depend on how deficient you are in testosterone.

For example, if you are deficient in magnesium, then the supplements below will give you enough magnesium to boost testosterone production to optimal levels. If your diet is already providing you with enough magnesium to achieve optimal testosterone, then the supplement will be useless. Taking the supplement won’t further increase your testosterone levels.

It is important to see supplements as compounds that help you add to what you already have. They are not meant to replace good nutrition or a proper lifestyle.

Raw Ingredients That Boost Testosterone

We will first look at the raw ingredients used in supplements before talking about the supplements themselves. The ingredients described below are some of the active elements that can be found in testosterone-boosting supplements. Once you understand how these ingredients work and the research behind them, it will become much easier for you to make the right decision.

As you are about to see, some of these ingredients are legit when it comes to boosting testosterone, while others are just duds. From now on, you will be able to look at the label on the bottle and search for specific ingredients. This will tell you just how effective the supplement you are about to buy will be in boosting your testosterone levels.

1. Fenugreek

This is an Indian herb that is traditionally believed to boost male virility. One study was conducted in 30 men who were lifting weights. One group was given 500

mg of a placebo while the other was given the same amount of fenugreek. After 8 weeks, the test results showed that those who had taken fenugreek had higher levels of testosterone than the other group.

This may seem like a study that proves that fenugreek works, but it is the only one that has ever shown this kind of correlation. Other studies have simply proven that fenugreek boosts your libido but doesn’t improve your testosterone.

The bottom line is that the jury is still out on fenugreek as an effective testosterone booster.

2. D-Aspartic Acid

This is also referred to as D-AA. Most of the testosterone boosters on the market contain this compound. It gained popularity a few years back when one study showed that it could increase men’s testosterone levels a whopping 42% after a mere 2 weeks.

Funnily enough, another study was released showing that D-AA didn’t do anything at all for testosterone even after 28 days of use. Then a third study came out showing that taking excessive doses of D-AA actually led to a considerable drop in testosterone.

So who are we supposed to believe? This shows you just how important it is to put every piece of information in the right context. In other words, don’t rush to believe the results of a study without keenly looking at the parameters used by the researchers.

For example, what kind of methods did they use? How long was the study conducted? How many participants were studied? And etc.

There are companies out there that pay for research to be done on their products. So do you think the researchers are going to release unbiased results? No way!

The bottom line is that D-AA only boosts your testosterone in the short-term, usually for about 1-2 weeks. If you are infertile, then this may help you for a longer period than this. But if you have normal levels of testosterone, then the boost won’t last long. In fact, if you continue with high doses of D-AA, you could end up reducing your testosterone levels.

3. Tongkat Ali

This is also known as Malaysian Ginseng. It is an aphrodisiac herb that is believed to improve fertility in men. One study showed that men who took this herb for 30 days experienced a 46% rise in testosterone levels. One issue with this study is  that all the men were infertile prior to the study.

A separate study showed that the male subjects increased their testosterone by 37% and decreased their cortisol by 16% after taking the herb for one month. But again, one issue with the male participants is that they were all suffering from high levels of stress prior to the research.

The bottom line is that if you are suffering from very low testosterone levels or chronic stress, then Tongkat Ali may help. However, for those men who have normal testosterone levels and don’t suffer from stress, taking this herb may not help you at all.

4. Ashwagandha

This herb has a variety of uses, including the treatment of Alzheimer’s and anxiety. It is traditionally believed that eating this herb gives you the virility and sexual strength of a horse.

This herb is known to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which means that it allows more testosterone to be produced. Studies also show that it boosts testosterone in infertile males. Finally, men who start weight training and use Ashwagandha supplements experience increase in the size of their muscles as well as testosterone levels.

Ultimately, little is known about the effect this herb has on men with normal testosterone levels and those who are experienced weight trainers.

5. Tribulus Terrestris

This could be one of the most popular boosters in the market. However, it is more of a libido enhancer than a testosterone booster. Most men take it and wake up with a strong erection in the morning, yet research has proven that it doesn’t increase testosterone at all. You should not assume your levels of testosterone using your sex drive.

6. Mucuna Pruriens

Another name for this plant is Velvet Bean. There are two studies that have been conducted on this plant, and both show that men who are infertile benefit from a significant increase in testosterone after taking Mucuna Pruriens. The bottom line is that this supplement may work for infertile men, but there are no studies that prove its effect on those with normal levels.

7. Zinc

This mineral is necessary for human survival and is found in oysters, meat, legumes, and eggs. It is commonly lost through sweating, and studies show that men who live active lifestyles are the ones who benefit the most from zinc supplements. These men experience an increase in their testosterone levels after they take zinc.

The bottom line is that zinc supplements will only boost your testosterone if you are deficient in it.

8. Boron

This trace mineral may be present in quite a number of testosterone supplements, but it has not been researched as well as some of the other ingredients on this list. The studies that have been conducted on boron‘s effects on testosterone show some positive correlation, but more research still needs to be conducted to verify this effect.

9. Magnesium

A vast majority of people living in developed countries exhibit magnesium deficiencies. This is attributed to growing food crops in magnesium-depleted soils, intestinal tracts damaged by prescription pills and thus unable to absorb the mineral, and other digestive disorders. Most of the magnesium in the body is lost through sweat, and studies show that magnesium supplements can significantly boost testosterone levels in men who exercise a lot.

The bottom line is that magnesium can help boost your testosterone if you are deficient in it.

10. Vitamin D

This is also an essential micronutrient that can be sourced from sunlight, eggs, dairy, and fish. Research shows that men who are deficient in vitamin D have lower levels of testosterone than those who have enough vitamin D. It would be a good idea to take vitamin D supplements if you suffer from its deficiency.

11. Forskolin

Coleus forskohlii is an Indian herb that is traditionally used to boost cardiovascular health. Its active ingredient is known as Forskolin. This ingredient is usually used as part of weight loss pills, and the only studies done on its effect on testosterone have been in a test tube. Researchers who were investigating its effects on obese men discovered that it also helped boost their testosterone levels. So far, we can only conclude that this ingredient increases testosterone in overweight men, but its effect on healthy individuals is unknown.

If you examine the list above, you will notice that though a lot has been said about these herbs and minerals in the media, the studies conducted are relatively inconclusive and vague. There are some of them that will boost your testosterone levels, but this increment will be minimal at best. Some of them will only work if you meet certain criteria.

That is why the supplements that are about to be listed here are meant to keep you healthy so that your testosterone levels can stay high. As long as your body receives vital minerals and vitamins, it will be in a good position to produce enough testosterone. The higher your testosterone levels, the better your health.

Supplements for Boosting Testosterone

1. Multivitamins 

Multivitamins contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay healthy. Though only small amounts are needed, they play a critical role in the body. Most people suffer from some vitamin or mineral deficiency, and this may affect testosterone levels. For example, vitamin A is necessary for the regulation some testicular functions. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that lowers cortisol levels. Vitamin E stimulates the production of LH and FSH levels. These two hormones are vital in the testosterone production process, as explained in chapter 1. It is very difficult to get all your micronutrients from your diet, and that is why you need multivitamin supplements. Make sure that you get the best quality multivitamins because most of the stuff out there doesn’t even provide the recommended daily dosages. One of the best options to buy is Triumph. This testosterone booster contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the right amounts.

2. Creatine 

This supplement has been around for a really long time and for good reason too. Not only is it affordable, but it enhances strength and boosts muscular growth. When you take creatine, it converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which happens to be a more bio-available form of the male hormone. DHT is actually 10 times more potent than testosterone. Numerous studies have proven that creatine boosts testosterone levels. We recommend Optimum N ulrition Creatine Powder, preferably the monohydrate type.

3. Calcium Carbonate 

Calcium is known for strengthening bones, but some studies have shown that it can increase testosterone levels in men who exercise regularly. Milk is a rich source of calcium, so if you get plenty of dairy in your diet, there’s no need for this supplement. Calcium could have been included in the multivitamins, but it tends to inhibit absorption of other vital minerals and vitamins. We recommend NOWFoods Calcium Carbonate, which costs less than $10.

Hopefully, you have now learned something about supplements and how the manufacturers operate. They have become quite good at selling people stuff that doesn’t work, simply by pointing to results conducted on small samples of humans and most often rats tested in a lab. Most of the supplements on the market will have a very small impact on your testosterone levels, but people won’t know this because they believe the hype and point to their increased libido.

What you need to do from now on is check out the individual ingredients in every supplement you want to buy. Check out the impact the ingredients have on the human body as shown in clinical trials. It is your lifestyle and diet that will enable you to enjoy long-term optimal testosterone levels.



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