Male Extra

In this article, I review Male Extra penis enlargement pills.



Male Extra

Male Extra is a popular herbal erection pill that contains all natural ingredients and has been shown to alleviate common problems men face from difficulties getting it up, staying hard and premature ejaculation.

While it may be the new kid on the block compared to older brands like VigRX Plus, it offers even better results.

What I like is how Male Extra combines uniquely powerful natural male enhancement pills with the popular PenisHealth penis enlargement exercise program. This dual action system is paired to give you harder, stronger penis with greater erection size.

*It’s important to note that results do vary on an individual basis

Compare: Best penis pills that work


  • Bigger, harder, fuller erections
  • Longer lasting erections
  • Better intense orgasms including multiple ones
  • More ejaculation volume
  • Penis enlargement benefits (with PenisHealth exercise program)
  • Help support and maintain male sexual health
  • Sexual confidence

It can help you enjoy better sex as well as better sexual enjoyment for your partner

PROS: Best-rated penis enlargement pill. Most effective results and best value. Safe. FDA-approved.

CONS: Not available in stores. Must continue using product to maintain results.

Money-Back Guarantee: 60 Days
Capsules: 60
Price: $64.95
Overall Score: A+
Official Site: 

One Month Supply

Perfect for trying it out and evaluating the initial effects of Male Extra.

Four Month Supply

With a three month supply you will experience the full benefits of Male Extra with larger, more powerful orgasms. You can save money and enjoy bonuses when you order a four month supply or more. Recommended.

Six Month Supply

Not only will you experience the full benefits, you will be able to maintain them over the course of six months and continue enjoying the results.

After taking Male Extra, how long will it take to start seeing results?

Male Extra starts to work immediately, you should start to see results within only a few days.

What You Get

Male Extra penis pills have package plans from 1 month supply to 12 months supply. You save way more by buying in bulk rather than just getting one or two bottles. You also get the PenisHealth (Online and DVD penis enlargement exercise guide)

Their shipping is very discreet. Free shipping comes with 3 packs and up. You also get bonus bottles of MaleExtra with the purchase of 3 packs and up so that’s a real saving. Male Extra also offers a 67-day money back guarantee. They’ll refund your money if you’re not satisfied with the results

Natural Ingredients

All the ingredients in MaleExtra work together to increase the strength of your erections, boost your libido, increase your sexual drive and sexual performance. The benefits of Male Extra come directly from the ingredients which contain the following:


The fruits of the pomegranate tree are red and voluptuous, but it is the inside of the fruit that holds the power to increase libido. Effective at improving erection hardness and sex drive, Pomegranate increases blood levels of Nitric Oxide.

It is combined with a variety of other Male Extra ingredients designed to increase blood flow to the groin region for stronger, harder erections.

Muira Puama

One of the most powerful elements of the plant is the alkaloid known as Muira Puamine. This alkaloid is responsible for increasing the sexual potency of many of the men who have consumed the substance.

Muira puama is more of a supplement than a food product, but it is one of the most effective super aphrodisiacs available today. .

Epimedium Sagittatum

This ingredient is shown to increase blood flow to the penis. The ingredients are completely natural and have all shown effectiveness at increasing energy to the body, improving the libido, or increasing blood flow to the groin area. These three things allow men to develop stronger erections that last longer while sustaining sexual activity longer thanks to increased energy in the body overall.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali can help with all aspects of a sexual interaction from getting the penis hard and maintaining it long enough for complete satisfaction to overall prostate health and energy levels.

Maca Root Extract

Maca has a positive effect on endurance and energy levels. Maca works at several grades to contribute to a blooming and invigorating libido. Several studies have shown that Maca is linked to a higher libido.


The recommended daily dosage is 3 pills. 

Side Effects

Male Extra is not very different from taking any other herbal product or dietary supplement. It contains natural ingredients that seem harmless, but which could cause side effects in some people.

You should consult with a doctor before taking this supplement if you have any of these medical conditions:

  • Plant Allergies
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Aspirin Sensitivity

You should check with your doctor if you have any medical concerns or if you think the ingredients discussed above may interact with prescription medications you are taking. Most men can take Male Extra without experiencing any side effects at all, but if you have any of the above-listed concerns there could be side effects particular to your body.

Special Report: Get the Truth about penis enlargement pills.

Long-Term Results

The ingredients in Male Extra are all natural and many are used for general prostate health, sperm health, and increased energy levels even if you don’t have a sexual problem to solve. When taken consistently over time this type of supplement can bring greater health to a man’s body while helping achieve stronger, longer lasting erections.

Herbal pills like Male Extra are designed to work over time. The herbs and natural ingredients get into your system and you start noticing the benefits as time moves forward.

You also get a DVD that shows exercises designed to increase male functioning as well. That is a nice bonus that can make trying Male Extra worth the small risk for many men.

*It’s important to note that results do vary on an individual basis

Money-Back Guarantee: 60 Days
Capsules: 60
Price: $64.95
Overall Score: A+
Official Site: 

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About Terrence Michael 105 Articles
The advice and techniques on this website are 100% my own and are unhindered by the medical profession. I’m sharing these techniques with you solely on the hope that they may help you, too.
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