Bathmate Hydromax Review 2018

Bathmate Hydromax

It is humorous, but the first encounter I had with the Bathmate was on Tosh.0, a show on Comedy Central. He was doing a sketch about it, and even though it was a joke, I was still interested. I figure anyone would be. How could someone not be after finding something that has the look of the Bathmate.

So I researched it, looking for Bathmate reviews

You might find it cliche (as online reviews tend to be nowadays), but all of the Bathmate reviews and Bathmate testimonials I saw were very positive. It also looked like there were others who, like me, had seen the Bathmate on TV, and were wanting to see bathmate before and after pictures, as well as those who had written a bathmate review. The results were very convincing.



One man commented:

“It was almost six months ago when I began working out with my Bathmate. I didn’t have much knowledge about using a penis pump, but I knew that amazing things were going to happen after the first time I tried it. I did see some fluid retention at first, but I began to treat this with Slow Squash Jelps.

With this, I built one of my top programs yet, the DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters. It helped with my fluid retention and, even better, it enabled me to expand in girth massively with every use and led to a fourth of an inch improvement in the girth of my penis. This gain stayed for two weeks, even with no training, plus it was growth in the mid-shaft region, which is the most difficult place for me to gain width. I have started on the program once more, and will hopefully be adding the last fourth of an inch that I want in girth (though I’m not sure I need it).“

Since you have read this Bathmate review, you might think that this person is a bit obsessed with his penis, particularly since he not only created a workout routine but named it. You can research his program by clicking on the link above. I don’t have that much devotion to a penis workout program, no a big routine, but it is good to know that you can experience profound results and that you can rest assured that the question of does bathmate work, has been conclusively answered.

Most People Aren’t Realistic When Dealing with Penis Growth

Some people want to grow inches within only months, but this isn’t realistic. If this was possible, then all men would possess large organs that wouldn’t fit in their pants. In the real world, a fourth of an inch increase in girth is quite amazing.

As you can see, after the bathmate hydro pump reviews that I read, I was impressed. I had seen the before and after pictures, and I knew that I could increase the size of my equipment with the Bathmate. I was very reassured when I found out that the company that makes the Bathmate gives you a money back guarantee. This is hard to find in the penis enlargement business, and it tells you that they stand behind their product. If you don’t experience results, they will refund your money. This also lets you know that this is not a bathmate scam.

The Best Breakthrough in Penis Technology

If you are looking for penis growth, you must research all of the many options available. There are many scams and low-quality products on the internet that don’t deliver results. There are, however, many products that do work. Pumping, stretching and Jelquing is all things that are effective. I, and many other men out there do use these techniques occasionally, and we do see a difference. However, many men (me included) tire of squeezing and yanking on their penis day after day. This is the point at which products such as pumps and stretchers make their entrance. The help since you don’t have to do the work. Urologists even understand that men tend to be lazy and recommend pumps to those who need straighter and harder erections. If they didn’t work, doctors would not prescribe them.

Traditional pumps have existed for years, and have gone from simple pumps that use an air vacuum and are hand operated, to fully electronic machines that come with multiple settings, sensors, and a huge cost.

The thing that makes the Bathmate different, is that it takes the technology to a completely new plane. Since water has replaced air, it enables the process to be comfortable, warm and forgiving. The warmth of the water helps, and it just feels good.

The Scary Tidbits

The first time I used my Bathmate was not a good experience. It was both uncomfortable and embarrassing. I almost ruptured a testicle, lost consciousness, and stood over the commode thinking I was going to throw up. This occurred for many reasons:

Foreskin – Yes, I still have my foreskin, and the instructions didn’t say anything about what those of us who haven’t been snipped should do. First of all, you must be careful to make sure that your testicles aren’t sucked up into the device, particularly when the pressure starts to build. As the pressure grows inside the apparatus and on your foreskin, it will suck up all of the loose bits, not excluding the dangling ones. It wasn’t good on my testicles.

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Excessive Heat — I don’t normally take baths since I’m usually one to just jump in the shower. It is more sensible to put the Bathmate underwater completely though, to get a better stretch and seal. The first time, I had the water much too hot, and after 20 minutes, I almost lost consciousness. Particularly since my blood was all otherwise involved.

Pump, Pump, Pump – I had trouble getting a good seal when I started. I spent a great deal of time making adjustments until I discovered what wasn’t right, and by that time I had already overheated and overexerted myself in the hot water. When you consider that in addition to this I had eaten right beforehand and had mushed my testicles a few times, and I experienced nausea. I stood up, almost lost consciousness because of the heat, and waited over the commode to throw up my supper.
Learn from my mistakes. I didn’t do much of anything right, and by the time I was finished, it was traumatizing. I wasn’t exactly happy with my experience.

I wasn’t thrilled to try it a second time, but reading more Bathmate testimonials convinced me to give it another go. Future experiences were much more enjoyable, and I was able to see the results that others were experiencing.

What the Bathmate Did For Me, and What it Will Do For You

As long as you avoid my mistakes, you will see great results from your Bathmate.

Growth in Girth – Right after I started using the Bathmate I experienced a thicker erection and greatly enlarged head. I have always desired a head that was thicker, so I was excited!

A Harder Erection – Since the vacuum action draws more blood into your penis, it grows to its biggest possible size. This is a wonderful, instantaneous effect, and it doesn’t stop when you stop using the Bathmate. My erection was much firmer, even a couple of days after I had used it.

Penis Health – The Bathmate helps with blood circulation by causing the chambers and blood vessels within your penis to expand. Once you have used your Bathmate for about a week, you will see that you are larger when you are flaccid because of this improvement in circulation.

Without the Risk of Jelqing – When you jelq, it is possible to get carried away or lazy. If you make a mistake or are not gentle then an important nerve in the penis may experience damage, and you might lose sensation. That is scary! This is the main reason I don’t do it very often, and one of the major reasons why I chose to use the Bathmate instead. If you use it correctly and don’t overdo it, you won’t have to worry about harming the nerves.

The Bottom Line – The Bathmate is Absolutely Worth Purchasing

Even though it started out roughly, I love my bathmate. It is a great product idea, whether you are using a Bathmate USA, a Bathmate UK, a Bathmate Australia or a bathmate Canada. It is a sensible product, and after a few weeks, I am excited to have it. It’s not early enough to take measurements, but as I use it every day, I will definitely be updating this Bathmate review with my own personal measurements.

I know that my expectations are high, and after only a week I have harder erections, and in the flaccid state the size of the head, the girth, and the overall size have all grown, even when I don’t use it every day. I know that I will see results (since I am already) I am just excited to see how extensive they are. This experience means that I absolutely recommend that you buy a Bathmate. They work!

Keep in mind that they will refund your money if you don’t like the results. I know you won’t have to take advantage of this, but it will let you buy with confidence. Thank you for taking the time to read my input, I hope you found it useful. I will be updating this review with my progress, so come back often, share it with your friends, bookmark it or subscribe.

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About Mark Alexander 18 Articles
Mark Alexander is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys the sunny weather of California. He currently studies nutrition and holistic living.

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